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Videos with music composed by Abraham Padilla

Suite L«¿tica N¡ë 1. VI Cuerpo Multiplicado. Rond«Ñ for Eielson. Live performance.

Paita oyeri (What life holds for us). In ashaninka language. Live performance on TV.

Let me get in. Original song for piece of theatre.

Eye naked. Original song for the film ASHANINKA, a Nation fighting for their liberty.

Abiro Naro (You and I). In ashaninka language. Live performance on TV.

Ibashire Tyata (Sadness). In ashaninka language. Live performance on TV.

Suite L«¿tica N¡ë 1. III Mensaje a Sophie. The dream carrier. First rehearsal.

Listen & buy CD "Incidentally Out There. Vol. 1".

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Videos with music conducted by Abraham Padilla

Heinrich Stolzel. Concert for trumpet in D major. 1st movement. Live recording.


° ASHANINKA, PERUVIAN SYMPHONY IN FIVE MOVEMENTS, for symphonic orchestra, children chorus and female ashaninka voice.

° SUITE LÍTICA Nº 1 (Lytic Suite N¡ë 1), for stone ensemble and other instruments. I to VI.

SUITE LITICA N¡ë 1. VI Cuerpo Multiplicado (Multiplied body) Rond«Ñ for Eielson. Live recording (Audio).

° REFLEXIONES INAUDITAS (Unprecedented reflections), for trumpet and bass clarinet in Bb.

° TEJIDOS DEL VIENTO (Wind weaves) for trumpet, piano, cello and cajón peruano

° NINKASHI, EL ABRAZO DE LA TIERRA, for symphonic band, quena and female ashaninka singer.

NINKASHI, El abrazo de la Tierra (The embrace of the Earth). Instrumental version (Audio).

° REINOS ANCESTRALES (Ancestral kingdoms), for trumpet, marimba, flute and stones.

° EL VERSO INTERIOR (The inner verse), for trumpet and soundtrack.

° LA SEXTA CUERDA (The sixth string), for string quartet and quena.

° TRANSFIGURACIONES ANDINAS (Andean transfigurations), for string quartet and quena.

° VISIONES DEL CAMINO (Visions of the road), for alto sax solo.

° POEMA LÍTICO Nº 1 (Lithic poem N¡ë 1), for stone ensemble and clarinet in Bb.

° POR EL SENDERO DIBUJADO DE LAS PIEDRAS ANCHAS (On the path drawn from wide stones), for symphonic orchestra and stone ensemble.

° AVE MARÍA, for voice and organ.

° FANFARRIA FESTIVAL, for trumpet ensemble. For the Peruvian Trumpet Festival.

° CINCO MICROPIEZAS PARA ENSAMBLE (Five micro pieces for ensemble), for brass and percussion ensemble.

° ANTE LA ORILLA (Before the shore), for alto sax solo.

° ESPACIOS FRACTURADOS (Fractured spaces), for brass quartet.

° OBASHIRETANTSI, for choir, solo female ashaninka voice and instrumental ensemble.

° MÓDULOS I al III (Modules), for instrumental ensemble, choir and stone ensemble.

° AIRES ASHÁNINKA I al IX, for voice, choir and various instrumental ensembles.

° MASA, OBERTURA HUMANA (Masa, human overture), for mezzosoprano, reciter and symphonic orchestra.

° CANCIONERO ASHÁNINKA (Ashaninka songbook), for mixed choir a capella with instrumental ensembles.

° INSTERTICIOS DEL SILENCIO (Interstices of silence), for mixed chorus a capella

° Y LUEGO CANTA, ALMUERZA, SE ABOTONA (And then sing, lunch, button himself), for symphonic orchestra and stones

° GESTOS (Gestures), for contemporary chamber ensemble.

° NO MOLESTAR LA TEMBLOROSA MARIPOSA AMARILLA POSADA SOBRE UNA SILLA (Do not distub the trembling yellow butterfly perched on a chair), for instrumental contemporary chamber ensamble.

° EN UNA MISMA CAMPANA (In the same bell), for solo trumpet.

° HOMENAJE A WATANABE (Watanabe tribute), for stone ensemble and other instruments.

° ESPERGESIA-ABENDS, for piano performance

° ADENTRO, for string quartet and alto sax.

° NOCTURNO, for solo cello.